Saturday, March 15, 2025
Authors Posts by politopinion



Coconuts Filled with Marijuana

Coconuts Filled Marijuana Awhile back Pamela Geller dubbed me the Ernie Kovacs of blogging. I'm not sure if it was a compliment or not, but...

Hillary Clinton’s SHADY BUNCH! (@Mr_Pinko VIDEO)

The Shady Bunch VIDEO The Shady Bunch - STARRING Crooked Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Media Hillary will never be able to...

The FAKE POLL Numbers Readjusted This Week

The FAKE POLL Numbers Readjusted This Week After the MEDIAS coordinated attempt to take out Donald Trump along with FAKE POLL numbers and bombardment of...

Columbo asks

Columbo asks VIRAL: This Columbo Meme About TRUMP & KHAN Will Fry A Liberal’s Brain (So SHARE It) TV Networks have been venting their rage at...

The KHANstitution

The Khanstitution - To Serve Man Why Did Khizr Khan Delete His Law Firm's Website? Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father of Captain Humayun Khan,...

UN-EDITED VIDEO – Hillary actually said this and got APPLA– —...

UN-EDITED VIDEO - Hillary actually said this and got APPLA-- -- USE! Hillary Clinton: 'We're Going to Raise Taxes on the Middle Class' Video of a...


2 BIGGEST LIES in the WORLD? (VIDEO - "TRIGGER" WARNING) "Trigger" WARNING: You can not UN-SEE this video! #Crooked Hillary's LIES on the 2nd Amendment /...

“What difference does it make?”

"What difference does it make?" Difference? Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton Huma Mahmood Abedin (born July 28, 1976) is an American political staffer who serves as vice...

When the Acid Kicks In

When the Acid Kicks In 15 Hillary Clinton GIFs that feel like the moment the acid kicks in. Hillary Clinton's expressive face, or calculated attempts at...
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