Sunday, January 19, 2025
Tags Liberal

Tag: Liberal


RUSSIA COLLUSION? MUST WATCH VIDEO A Story About How America Was Almost Destroyed By Criminals (H/T MoeTom) This is a story about how America was...

Set Phasers on DUMB! George Takei posts POLL on Twitter results...

Set Phasers on DUMB! George Takei posts POLL on Twitter results BACKFIRE! Takei DELETES POLL OH MY! Actor George Takei took to Twitter Saturday to...

Liberal Heads Be Like All ‘Splody When They Hear TRUMP WON!

Liberal Heads Be Like All 'Splody When They Hear TRUMP WON! Check out @MariaZdream JAMES O'KEEFE INTERVIEW VIDEO HERE HAHA! Liberals’ Reaction to Trump’s LANDSLIDE Win...

Donald Trump Launches Major Twitter Campaign Ahead of Debates with #BigLeagueTruth

Breitbart: Donald Trump has launched a social media campaign to help supporters keep the media honest for the next presidential debate with the hashtag...

Hillary Clinton cancels plans to travel to West Coast on Monday...

Hillary Clinton cancels plans to travel to West Coast on Monday and Tuesday following health episode at 9/11 memorial WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — Hillary Clinton...

Hillary Clinton’s Mitt Romney 47% MOMENT – Calling Americans “BASKET OF...

Hillary Clinton's Mitt Romney 47% MOMENT - Calling Americans "BASKET OF DEPLORABLES" @Mr_Pinko VIDEO "To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump...

RACISM ACCUSATIONS “Make America Great Again” (VIDEO)

RACISM ACCUSATIONS "Make America Great Again" is CODE FOR ??? (@Mr_Pinko VIDEO) Check out ANOTHER @Mr_Pinko VIDEO HERE
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