Sunday, January 19, 2025
Tags Election

Tag: election


OSSOFFED! Democrats Liberals Media LOSE AGAIN. OFFICIAL: It's a TRUMP NATION. OSSOFFED - Jon Ossoff, the Democrat candidate for the much sought after Georgia 6th...

RUSH: Wouldn’t It Be JUICY To Find Out Obama Hacked The...

RUSH: Wouldn’t It Be JUICY To Find Out Obama Hacked The Election And Hillary Still Lost? Rush Limbaugh "Cheaters never prosper"   POLITOPINION POLL – How is President...

Megyn Kelly & Newt Gingrich go at it on Fox News....

Megyn Kelly & Newt Gingrich go at it on Fox News. NEWT WINS! MUST SEE VIDEO! Newt Gingrich BLOWS THE LID off Megyn Kelly's OBVIOUS...

#Unfit President Obama Wants to Cyber Attack Russia

#Unfit President Obama Wants to Cyber Attack Russia The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian...

This Erection has gotten CrAzY!

Erection day Erection day for Obama on the campaign trail. Aboard a campaign flight, then-Senator Obama is talking on a cellphone as he "arises" from his...

Who Won the GOP Debate on CNBC?

Who Won the GOP Debate on CNBC?

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hearing

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hearing Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hearing- Has the Benghazi hearings changed or confirmed your opinion of Hillary Clinton? Judicial Watch QUESTIONS Hillary
Lincoln Chafee drops out of Presidential Race

Lincoln Chafee drops out of Presidential Race

Lincoln Chafee drops out of Presidential Race. Lincoln Chafee announces his run for the Presidency Wikipedia: in 1999 while serving in the United States Senate, Rhode Island...
First GOP Debate - 9:00pm - Top 10

Who Won the Democrat Debate on CNN?

Who Won the Democrat Debate on CNN?
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