Saturday, December 21, 2024
Authors Posts by Miska Simpson

Miska Simpson


Better the devil you know?

Better the devil you know? War with Hillary - Ben Garrison

Hillary Skittle Policy – Halloween

Hillary Skittle Policy - Halloween Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016. Donate to Branco here.

Visualizing the first Presidential Debate

We are looking forward to the first presidential debate. What do you think will happen? Please share your thoughts below. Another futuristic look at the...

Why ‘illary Lost the Election

Under normal circumstances I would not dream about linking to or even quoting the Huffington Post but today in a what I describe as...

It’s not the size of the Dog that counts.

It's not the size of the Dog that counts. It's the fight in the dog.

Pay-to-Play: For Sale

Pay-to-Play: For Sale Helping 'illary advertise.

Hillary’s Health – Bingo

Hillary's Health - Bingo

Ahmad Khan Rahami, in custody

New York bombings: Ahmad Khan Rahami in custody after shootout with police in Linden, New Jersey. He is in surgery after he was shot and...

Donald Trump has a 3 point lead in Georgia

Donald Trump has a 3 point lead in the contest for Georgia's electoral votes while Johnny Isakson is comfortably ahead in his bid for...
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