Hillary Clinton linked to Fake News – Spread by Huma Abedin’s Sister.
Heba Abedin shared a post on Facebook calling for people to phone the Department of Justice to demand a ‘vote audit’. She claimed it could change the outcome of the election. A claim that has been debunked by the DOJ.

Heba is Huma Abedin’s sister and the two share a close personal and political relationship. The recount process is complicated by different laws in each state and not something that has ever been requested in multiple states. It’s possible that Heba was confused. She may not have intentionally posted fake news as the Facebook post has subsequently been deleted.
Jill Stein of the Green Party claims that the recount “is the first-ever attempt to demand recounts in multiple states following a presidential election.” To date she has submitted a request for recount in one state.

Heba Abedin’s fans appear to be convinced that the elections have been hacked by Russia.
“Please ask Hillary to request an audit or recount. There are more votes than ballots In 4 counties. We know the Russian hacked our machines. They admitted it. NSA, FBI AND HOMELAND SECURITY all say the Russians hacked the machines. There are many of us fighting as hard as we know how. Almost 5 million of us have signed a petition to get the electors to dump Trump. We all know he’s corrupt and cannot perform the duties of the office. Please tell her that I am a supporter and have been. There are millions of us that will never accept this travesty. Trump is not the President. Please Hillary, if it’s possible join our fight to audit the votes in the swing states. You are Madam President. You won. Let’s out the rightful person in the oval.”