2 EXPERT physical therapists, Bob Schrupp & Brad Heineck present tips & techniques for helping freezing episodes (dyskinesia) for those patients who have Parkinson’s disease.
Watch Secret Service Agent Todd M. backstage with ‘illary at the Dem National Convention. Watch what he does. Watch where he points the pen. Watch just before the video ends where Hillary appears to be focusing her gaze. Notice how bright the room is, i.e. no need for a flashlight, and note that there is no incandescent beam emanating from the “flashlight,” just like the therapist with the laser pen.
Now here is a picture of the Clintons, the same night. Look at the awkward angle he’s holding the “flashlight.” Look where it’s pointing. Not out, but down. Note, this is the same night she had the weird facial reaction to the balloon drop, meaning, she was experiencing dyskinesia that night.
Parkinson’s is not treatable, doc speak for not curable. That means it can only be managed and of course, it can have a huge impact of people’s lives. Sometimes leaving them unable to work and earn an income (this is why they might need to get something like critical illness insurance). The number one drug is L-Dopa or Levodopa, which replaces the lost dopamine (the neurotransmitter in the brain). The patient must take other drugs along with L-Dopa, because L-Dopa doesn’t cross the brain-blood barrier, meaning, it won’t go where it’s needed unless they mess with other cell receptors. Also, they have to stop enzymes in the brain from destroying the L-Dopa.
The most important thing to know is that the body gets used to this drug, and as time progresses, it becomes less and less effective. It manages the symptoms less and less effectively. Since it’s so good when it IS working, doctors try to delay using it as long as possible. That’s why the Arizona doc who put out that video thinks Hillary has had this for 5-10 years. The L-Dopa isn’t masking her symptoms all the time. It’s why she fell so badly in 2009… had a freeze, no one was there to catch her, and she slammed her head on the ground. And now we have Bill Clinton saying she has “fainting” episodes frequently. BTW, there are other non-physical symptoms for Parkinson’s, none of which are good for a president of the United States. Insomnia, depression, fatigue, inability to multi-task, decision disorder. Some people have experienced positive results from cannabis enjoyed with dab pipes. More and more Parkinson’s patients have been using cannabis to reduce the amount of pain they experience. It can also help manage a wide range of symptoms as well. It isn’t federally legal yet so we can’t see Hillary using it to treat her ailments. Hillary will probably look into a variety of different treatments for her Parkinson’s to decrease the symptom’s effect on her daily life. One of these may be the treatment of yoga, this has also be applauded as having a wide range of benefits for those who suffer physically. She can choose from an online yoga school graduate to a private certified one by the government if she so chooses.
There is no “one way” to diagnose Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, there are various symptoms and diagnostic tests used in combination. One of the most important things to remember about diagnosing PD is that there must be two of the four main symptoms present over a period of time for a neurologist to consider a PD diagnosis.
Four Main Motor Symptoms of PD:
- Shaking or tremor
- Slowness of movement, called bradykinesia
- Stiffness or rigidity of the arms, legs or trunk
- Trouble with balance and possible falls, also called postural instability
There is no blood test. No CAT scan or MRI. It is diagnosed first, by noting the symptoms, and second, by administering L-Dopa. The response to medications (that imitate or stimulate the production of Dopamine) causing a significant improvement in symptoms is how the diagnosis of PD is made clinically. The ONLY WAY to determine if Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease is to see her MEDICINE CABINET.
SOURCE: http://www.parkinson.org/understanding-parkinsons/diagnosis
When questions arise, some newer imaging modalities such as PET and DAT scans may aid diagnosis, when performed by an expert in neuroimaging. DATscan is FDA-approved for differentiating PD from essential tremor, but it cannot distinguish between PD and parkinsonian subtypes. A neurologist will make the diagnosis based on:
- A detailed medical history and physical examination.
- A detailed history of your current and past medications, to make sure you are not taking medications that can cause symptoms similar to PD.
- A detailed neurological examination during which a neurologist will ask you to perform tasks to assess the agility of arms and legs, muscle tone, your gait and your balance.
- You may notice that a neurologist records your exam into a table, called United Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). UPDRS is a universal scale of PD symptoms and it was created to comprehensively assess and document the exam of the patient with PD and be able to compare it with patient’s future follow up visits, or to communicate about the progression of the PD symptoms in each patient with other neurologists.
Watch the video of her collapsing at the 9/11 memorial. Watch the bald agent in the red tie. He’s so matter of fact. Look at the close up on her right foot. You can see the shoe come off. It comes off because her foot drags backward, the top of her foot on the ground… like she can’t pick it up. She doesn’t look like she’s fainting. She looks like she’s jerking.

One thing is for sure, ‘illary is #unfit for the Presidency of the United States.
Other Source: TruthFeed.com
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