Thursday, May 2, 2024
Authors Posts by @Mr_Pinko



After Viola Davis Speech, Bill Maher Declares Trump Victory In 2020

After Viola Davis Speech, Bill Maher Declares Trump Victory In 2020 Sadly, the Hollywood Elite, can’t stop speaking to people as the Hollywood Elite. It was...

President Donald Trump CPAC Speech

President Donald Trump CPAC Speech "Sit down everybody! The dishonest media will say 'he didn't get a standing ovation,'" Trump began as addressed cheering supporters...

Maxine Waters LIED to get Social Security Card.

Maxine Waters LIED to get Social Security Card. by @nick_j_bolger Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) admitted Tuesday on "The Real" that she lied about her age...

Le Pen is mightier than the sword.

Le Pen is mightier than the sword. - Ben Garrison French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen canceled a meeting with Lebanon's Grand Mufti Tuesday...

CNN LEAKS BOOM! James O’Keefe Drops First Round Of Bombshell Undercover...

CNN LEAKS BOOM! James O’Keefe Drops First Round Of Bombshell Undercover CNN Footage - Project Veritas Strikes AGAIN!!! James O'Keefe infiltrates #VeryFakeNews CNN Headquarters. Asks...

Alan Colmes of Hannity / Colmes Fame Dies at age 66

Alan Colmes of Hannity / Colmes Fame Dies at age 66 By Aurelie Corinthios Fox News contributor and commentator Alan Colmes has died after a brief...

TRUMP CORRECT (AGAIN) as Riots Break Out in Sweden

TRUMP CORRECT (AGAIN) as Riots Break Out in Sweden Swedish police made a drug-related arrest around 8 p.m. near the Rinkeby metro station and a...

PRESIDENT TRUMP CPAC! What a Difference an Election Makes.

PRESIDENT TRUMP CPAC! What a Difference an Election Makes. Candidate Trump CANCELLED an appearance at CPAC last year after a plan leaked out that CPAC-ers...

Trump names new national security adviser – H.R. McMaster

Trump names new national security adviser - H.R. McMaster POLITOPINION POLL – How is President Donald Trump doing? Approval/Disapproval POLL . . . . . .
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