New Yorkers ISIS in U.S. is Fake News
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AFDI Unveils Shocking New Video Showing New Yorkers Consider “Fake News” More of a Threat Than Jihad Terror
NEW YORK, December 20: The human rights advocacy group the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) today unveiled a shocking new video, filmed in Grand Central Station, showing that in the city most targeted by Islamic jihadis, most New Yorkers have no idea of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat.
AFDI President Pamela Geller noted: “It wasn’t just 9/11: New York City has been targeted by jihadis numerous times. The NYPD is on heightened alert for the Christmas season because of the all-too-real possibility that ISIS or other jihadis will carry out a major jihad terror attack during the holiday season. But in Grand Central Station, crowded with holiday shoppers, people were more worried about ‘fake news’ than about the Islamic jihad threat.”
Geller explained: “We sent AFDI reporter Laura Loomer to one of the jihadists’ prime targets — Grand Central Station – and found the people there remarkably unconcerned about jihad terror. Ironically, people feel more threatened by Russia, which has not attacked us, than by the jihadists, who have repeatedly attacked us, and are openly plotting to do it again.”
New Yorkers ISIS in U.S. is Fake News
Loomer is a new addition to the AFDI team. Said Geller: “Recently a number of courageous writers and journalists have created blockbuster videos that changed the political discourse in America. I am very happy to be able to inform you that one of them, Laura Loomer, has just joined AFDI. She is coming aboard produce original videos exposing Jew-hatred and support for jihad on campus, and related issues.”
Geller continued: “You probably came across her high-quality work when she was with Project Veritas: she was, among other things, the burqa-clad woman who posed as Huma Abedin and was offered a ballot to vote in New York without being asked to produce proper ID. Laura is now bringing her courageous and incisive investigative journalism to AFDI. The Grand Central video is the first of many blockbuster videos that she is planning to produce in conjuction with AFDI’s production staff.”
AFDI stands for:
• The freedom of speech – as opposed to Islamic prohibitions of “blasphemy” and “slander,” which are used effectively to quash honest discussion of jihad and Islamic supremacism;
• The freedom of conscience – as opposed to the Islamic death penalty for apostasy;
• The equality of rights of all people before the law – as opposed to Sharia’s institutionalized discrimination against women and non-Muslims.

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