After Threatening Trump with “Embarrassing” Videos, Geraldo Rivera Admits he has Nothing to Show


    Geraldo Rivera Admits he has Nothing to Show

    Fox News’ resident stand-up comedian Geraldo Rivera claimed last week that he had damaging video footage of Donald Trump.

    Fox News personality Geraldo Rivera said he uncovered more “embarrassing” statements that the GOP nominee had made in past interviews.

    “I have interviewed Donald Trump many times and been with him many times, and I have tapes,” Rivera said on special edition of Fox News’ “The Five” Sunday. “My brother and I have been starting to go through the tapes now and there are statements that, in the context of the current climate, would be embarrassing.”

    He never released anything, so people began to wonder.

    Now, Geraldo has made an about-face.

    He’s got nothing.

    Sort of like the Capone vault.


    Rivera talks about having “embarrassing” tapes of Trump…

    Geraldo’s admission to having jack squat…

    The RESPONSES have not been kind – CLICK HERE

    Geraldo Rivera apologizes to Trump, says he doesn’t actually have ’embarrassing’ Trump tapes

    Geraldo Rivera reversed course early Wednesday morning, saying that he does not actually have additional tapes of Donald Trump making troublesome statements.

    The Fox News personality apologized to Trump on Twitter for claiming earlier this week that he had unreleased videos of the Republican presidential nominee making comments that “would be embarrassing.”

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